Saturday, July 2, 2011

To be brides on the same day :)

Charlene and Kate Moss were the talk of every news paper today! they both got married with class and on the same day! One in France the other in England! One in an Armani dress the other in a Galliano one :))) One a princess another top model but both beautiful and both happily married!
I dont know if you noticed but this season brides (Kate Middleton, Charlene Wittstock and Kate Moss) are all so chic and simple look.  No excess of jewelery actually almost No jewels, plain dresses and very very natural make up.
We did expect the royal brides to be spectacular but the bridal trend seem to be going towards simplicity look and as the famous french say: la simplicite fait la beaute! i do agree with that! Congrats ladies!!

                                                                          Source: Reuters, CBC and BBC.